Why is it Important to Start Writing as Early as Possible?

Dear Student,

Do you ever find yourself waiting until the last minute to start writing your paper or assignment?  If your answer to the above question is a yes, you may be robbing yourself of the chance of getting better marks.

Today’s advice relates to why you should start writing your assignment as early as it has been assigned to you.

Rushed Work is Easy to Spot

When you leave the writing of your essay to the last minute, you often don’t have a chance to ask for assistance, change direction, or get your work professionally edited.  This is simply because you may find that there is not enough time to do all this.

When you write at the last minute, you are under unnecessary pressure, which can lead you to produce sloppy work.  Because markers go through thousands of student assignments in their lifetime, they can sport rushed work ten miles away.

Better Management of Time

The reality is that you can never predict what will happen in the future.  For instance, you may leave the writing of your assignment to the last minute and then suddenly fall ill a few days before it is due.  Or, your computer may malfunction just days before you are supposed to hand in the assignment.

Starting early gives you a better chance of effectively dealing with emergencies that pop up just before you hand in your paper.

More Time to Do the Basics

When you start working on your assignment early, you have more time to do the basics, including the following:

  • Understand the assignment: Starting early allows you to discuss, brainstorm, and draw a mind map to help you understand what is expected.
  • Research: The more time you have, the easier it is to do wide-ranging research to get a broader view of the subject you are writing about.
  • Writing several drafts: A good student knows the first draft should never be the final one; hence, starting on time allows you to have several drafts, culminating in the best draft being handed in.
  • Seek help: It’s easier to ask for help when you have more time.
  • Get your work edited: When you finish your assignment early, it’s easy to get it professionally edited, and you still have time to attend to the editor’s comments.

Increased Confidence

As a college student, you are always under immense pressure from different demands.  Leaving the writing of assignments until it’s too late before submission can increase stress levels.

When you complete your assignment early, your confidence increases because you know the paper you submit is of the highest quality possible.  With this confidence, you have less pressure.

Let Us Help You       

At Virtual English Teacher, we assist early and late beginners in polishing their work before submitting it for marking.  Remember to start early and send your work to us for paraphrasing, editing, or proofreading.

Contact us early for a free, no-obligation sample of your text.