Try This Trick to Ensure That All References In-Text Are In the Final List

Dear Student,

Are you frustrated by all the rules connected to referencing? If you are, you’re certainly not the only one. Many students struggle with what should be in italics, capital letters, or separated by a comma or full stop in the references.

Also, many students find that they have not included all the in-text references in the final list of references moments before a paper is due.

In this email, I want to give you a tip to ensure that you never miss an in-text reference in your final list of references again.

Why Do We Need To Reference Anywhere?
Let’s start with a reminder of why referencing is important. Referencing is an ethical element because it provides academic writers with a chance to acknowledge the work of others. It ensures that your work is not plagiarised. Above all, it warrants that others who want to explore the ideas in your essay further know where they can find more information.

Create Two Documents
When writing an essay, it can be challenging to keep going back and forth between the essay and the list of references at the bottom. To make the process easier, create two documents before starting writing your essay: the document with the arguments and another with references.

Once you have decided to use ideas from a specific reference, enter that reference in the separate reference document. This helps ensure that you don’t forget the reference. More importantly, it ensures that you don’t lose your line of thought when you stop to update the final list of references at the bottom.

Remember to list the references in alphabetic order, so you don’t have to spend time rearranging them later.

Once you have finished writing the essay, copy-paste the references into your essay before you start editing and proofreading it.

Need Help?
Following referencing rules can be frustrating and time-consuming. At Virtual English Teacher, we will proofread, paraphrase, or edit your essay to ensure that both your in-text and final list of references are correctly done.

Want proof of our effectiveness and efficiency. Ask for a free, no-obligation sample of your text.
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